Monday, May 10, 2010

Signs Of Summer Coming..

The other day I was walking to an exam with Kim, we went through Herbert Park and I spotted the most peculiar looking duck... not like the regular mallards, it was so much more ornate. Upon inspection i noticed it was actually a pair, the female is much more Glam that our little brown ones.

Anyway after much research I found that It was infact a North American Wood Duck!

Their breeding habitat is wooded swamps, shallow lakes, marshes or ponds in eastern North America, the west coast of the United States and western Mexico. They usually nest in cavities in trees close to water, although they will take advantage of nesting boxes in wetland locations if available. The Wood Duck tends to fly for prolonged periods of time after reproducing. Their personality is shy and skittish.

They predict a good summer! Come on BBQ weather!

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